1. Origin:
TB25 is a peanut variety selected by ThaiBinh Seed Joint Stock Corporation. It was recognized as National Variety in 2009.

2. Agronomic characteristics:
Growing time: in Northern provinces: in Spring crop from 110 days to 125 days, in Autumn-Winter crop from 100 days to 105 days; the ratio of fruit with 3 - 4 grains is high (62 - 65%), 100 grains's net weight is about 65 grams to 68.5 grams; pink silk skin, the ratio of kernel/fruit reaches 77%;  high yield potential, average yield in Spring crop reaches 40 quintals to 45 quintal/ha, in Autumn-Winter crop reaches 35 quintals to 40 quintals/ha, can reach 50 quintals to 60 quintals/ha with good intensive farming conditions.

3. Resistance:
Good resistant to rust disease (1-3 points), black spots disease (1-3 points), brown spot disease (3- 5 points), and wilt bacteria (1- 1.5% ).

4. Adaptability:
Be planted in Spring and Autumn-Winter crops. Suitable on sandy soil, drain easily.

5. Grain's quality and usage:
Peanut grain has a high essential oil content, it is mainly used for oil processing, confectionery processing... ...